Group Business

Yichang Expressway

78.3 km
Own interest
Number of lanes
Expiry date
December 1, 2033

Yichang Expressway is the sixth longitudinal G55 Section of the Zhangjiajie-Changsha Expressway (G5513) of the Erguang Expressway connecting line of the National High-speed Network. The route starts at Zijiang Second Bridge in Yiyang City, Hunan Province and ends at Tanshuping, Deshan, Changde City, Hunan Province. The main line is about 73.1 kilometers long and has four lanes in both directions. Tanshuping to the south of Yuanshui Second Bridge in Changde City is the Changde connecting line of Yichang Expressway, which is about 5.2 kilometers in length, and is constructed according to the first-class highway standard. The whole line of the project adopts the standard construction of the first-class automobile special highway in the plain and hilly area. The subgrade width is 27 meters, two-way four-lane, asphalt concrete pavement, and the designed driving speed is 100 km/h. There are six ramp toll stations in Xingfu Canal, Yingfeng Bridge, Junshanpu, Taizimiao, Xiejiapu, Deshan and one Taizimiao service area (the right of operation is not vested in Yichang Company).


Hunan Province
Table of Classification and Toll Coefficients of Passenger Cars on Expressways in Hunan Province
Category Vehicle Type Number of persons approved instruction
Class 1 Micro, small 9 Passenger cars with a length less than 6000mm and an approved number of passengers not more than 9 people
Type 2 Medium 10-19 Passenger cars with a length less than 6000mm and an approved number of (10-19) people
Class 3 Passenger car train - -
Type 4 Large 39 Passenger cars with a length not less than 6000mm and an approved number of passengers not more than 39 people
Category 5 ≥40 Passenger cars with a length of not less than 6000mm and an authorized capacity of not less than 40 people
Remarks: 1. The vehicle type classification shall be implemented in accordance with the industry standard of "Toll Road Vehicle Toll Vehicle Classification" (JT/T489-2019). 2. Large passenger cars with more than 40 seats are charged according to category 3 passenger cars.
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